Keep Forgetting to Take the Pill? An IUD Could Be Your Ideal Form of Birth Control

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Women today have so many more choices for preventing unwanted pregnancy than previous generations. But not all birth control methods offer a one-size-fits-all solution for every woman.

Dr. Martin Pakideh and Dr. Soudabeh Ahadi offer a wide range of birth control options; but more importantly, they assess your plans for family, your health history, and your lifestyle to determine which options are right for you.

Overview of birth control pills

Birth control pills are widely available and have been used successfully by many women as their primary form of contraception.

Pills contain estrogen and progestin (sometimes only progestin) hormones that prevent your ovaries from releasing eggs and cause the mucus lining of your cervix to thicken. All these actions keep sperm from successfully fertilizing the egg.

While pills are a great option for many women looking for a reliable form of birth control, some women aren’t good candidates for this type of contraception. You may not be able to tolerate the hormones in birth control pills due to existing health issues.

Other reasons you may need to consider other options besides the pill include:

  • You’re over 35
  • You’re a smoker
  • You take other medications

The pill may also not be a suitable option if you have difficulty remembering to take it at the same time each day without fail, difficult for many women to do because of their busy lifestyle.

Looking beyond birth control pills

If your age, health history, or forgetfulness can influence the effectiveness of the pill, there are other birth control options to think about. For many, the answer lies in the also popular intrauterine device, also known as an IUD, offering 99% effectiveness against pregnancy.

An IUD is a tiny, T-shaped device that Dr. Pakideh or Dr. Ahadi inserts into your uterus. The device contains the same progestin hormone as the birth control pill to prevent conception, but it’s also available in a nonhormonal form, that uses copper to prevent pregnancy. The copper kills sperm to prevent fertilization of the egg.

Just like the pill, IUDs won’t protect you against sexually transmitted disease (STD), so you’ll still need to use condoms during sex.

The many benefits of an IUD

In addition to the benefit of not having to remember to take a daily pill, non-hormonal IUDs can effectively prevent pregnancy for up to 10 years. IUDs are easily removable if you want to start having children.

If the copper-based, non hormonal IUD is right for you, pregnancy prevention starts right away, even preventing pregnancy if placed within five days of having unprotected sex.

Like the pill, hormonal IUDs take a week or more to become effective and you’ll need a backup form of birth control in the meantime. However, once in place, hormone IUDs offer three to five years of pregnancy prevention.

With the IUD, convenience plays a big factor. This form of birth control requires no forethought and no need to pause intimate moments to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy.

If you’re ready to find out if the IUD is right for you, schedule a consultation at Monroe OB/GYN today by calling the office at 734-242-2022.





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